Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Is there some sort of cycle? What would Polybius say about the ideologies presented in STAR WARS?

Polybius believed that government goes in a cycle: monarchy, tyranny, aristocracy, oligarchy, democracy and anarchy. In the "Empire Strikes Back", a tyrant rules the empire. The rebels are fighting for a republic and fighting the tyrannical monarch. If they succeed, a republic will replace the monarchy. While it is not following Polybius’ cycle exactly, the episode is still moving from single ruler to representative government.

The Changing of Ideologies Throughout the Movie(s)

The ideologies of the Galaxy do change. The Galaxy is in the process of a revolution to overthrow the Empire. The Rebel Alliance, currently a resistance group, is striving to form a Republic within the tyrannical Empire. The Rebel Alliance, along with other people, believes there is something wrong with the Empire and believe it is failing.

The political standpoint of the Galaxy

The Star Wars Universe is in the mists of a revolution that will affect everyone. The small Rebel Alliance in the form of a resistance movement motivated to form a republic is trying to over throw the Galactic Empire which is acting as a tyranny, leaning heavily on totalitarianism.

Plot Summary

The Rebel Alliance’s base has been moved to the icy planet of Hoth. In this dangerous terrain Luke is captured by a beast and hung upside-down in its lair. The Empire finds The Rebel headquarters and they are forced to abandon their base as well as fight a battle. Luke sees images of Obi-Wan Kenobi that tell him to go to Dagobah and learn the ways of a Jedi. After meeting Yoda and learning to see the future, he falls into a trap by attempting to save his love, Princess Leia and Han Solo. Epic battles between Darth Vador and Luke ensue. Darth Vador says the famous line, “Luke, I am your father.”